Trip for Two - Outings for Couples Trip

Your instinct to "getaway for a while" with your significant other may be right on - it's been shown that traveling and discovering new things together can bring you closer. And for those who might need ideas for a date, a day trip activity can be just the thing. No matter where you are in your relationship, a day away is a good idea. Here are some suggestions for day trips for couples.


Music somehow takes on new meaning when it's a shared experience. There are all kinds of concert options for you and your date. In the summer, outdoor concerts are a romantic option. Make a day of it, and consider traveling to the concert destination. And of course, you can also purchase tickets to an indoor or outdoor concert and enjoy listening together.

Another the good thing about some concerts is the opportunity to dance. You and your partner may become closer if you get to do some dancing together.

An Old-Fashioned Picnic

Going out to a park, woods, or wherever to enjoy a picnic together is a time-honored activity for couples. To make it a day trip, plan to drive, hike, or bike to the picnic site. You might decide to have a picnic in a neighboring community's park or wildlife refuge.


Bike riding is a great activity for couples. Hop on your bicycles and enjoy discovering new scenery, neighborhoods, and other out-of-the-way places. Make a point of biking into areas you can't reach with your car.


You can camp for just one day - for one thing, you won't have to concern yourself with overnight gear. When camping just for the day, you need only bring some food and hiking gear (if hiking is part of the camping experience). Another option is to set up camp as soon as you get there, and cook over a fire and just enjoy relaxing at the campsite all day.

Amusement Parks and Fairs

Riding rides and just having fun for the day without kids can be a really fun experience for many couples. Local fairs and festivals with rides are one option; going to a big theme park for the day is another. You might not want to go to a really huge theme park; it's hard to see and experience everything in just one day. But whatever you choose, strap yourself in and enjoy bonding while riding amusement park rides!


Product : Trip for Two - Outings for Couples Trip

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