Preventing Risks by Federal Background Check

Employers always want to hire the best possible person for a job. However, gone were the days when they would just look into the applicant's resume and documents, conduct an interview to see how the applicant looks and rely on their instincts to get the most qualified employee.

Nowadays, even if an employer feel that a certain applicant is perfect for the job, it may turn out that he or she has unpleasant backgrounds that could recur.

Hiring a person with questionable background is risky for both the employer and his other employees.

That is why there are federal and state orders requiring the conduct of background checks especially when hiring an employee for specialty jobs. Most states oblige criminal background checks on applicants for caregiver jobs since it would entail working with children, elderly and / or disabled persons

A federal background check is needed for applicants in state and federal government jobs. The kind of background check depends on the kind of job. Some job posts require that an applicant be extensively investigated. Thus, there is a need for security approvals due to the extent of investigation.

Some background check information on an extensive investigation involves:

  • Records of criminal conviction and incarceration
  • Records of litigation
  • Driving history and vehicle records
  • Drug tests
  • Educational backgrounds
  • Employment history and records
  • Financial records
  • Records on professional license
  • Military and/or police records
  • Social Security number (SSN)
  • Polygraph tests
  • Various interpersonal interviews

The results of a background check offer employers or the government-hiring officer the opportunity to validate information given by an applicant.

Meanwhile, the federal government usually takes very long in granting some qualified legal immigrants their U.S. residency. The delay in final decisions often allows the applicants to enjoy some provisional residency benefits before all of the necessary federal background checks are done. This delay may render the whole country open to security risks.

Quick and effective federal background checks, without the long-winding security approvals have been introduced since. This would considerably reduce the security risks involved.

Several reasons are stipulated in conducting federal background checks on potential and current workers.

Some very important reasons for conducting federal background checks

  1. Avoid wrong decisions in hiring.  An employer is liable to negligent hiring once an employee he has hired proved to be inappropriate and indecent.  Negligent hiring lawsuits may cause extensive damages on a company's reputation and financial standing. Employers must be careful to check out an applicant's past to elude this threat of liability.
  2. Prevent more cases of child abuse and abductions. Doing a careful screening of anyone applying for a job that entails working with children, is an imperative.
  3. The rise in cases of child abuse and abduction during recent years resulted in new laws. These laws call for criminal background checks on anyone who will work with children. Almost all of the states have promulgated similar laws.
  4. Put a resolute stop to terrorist activities. After the September 11, 2001 incident, federal background checks became compulsory to pre-employment screening. Applicants and long-time employees, alike, must pass through security and identity verification strategies by employers.

It is clear that federal background checks have been endorsed to look after the security interests of every United States citizens and even immigrants.


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